Is gambling bad yahoo answers

One of my online friends told me that gambling was never 'bad', and 'someone must have told you that it was bad', which is true, as my parentsWe only gamble with the money we can spare, and the thrill is like nothing else." I have great respect for this friend of mine, as he's both older than me and also...

Gambling is bad for your health | Society | The Guardian Gambling is not only hard on your pocket but bad for your health, according to the British Medical Journal. Although gambling is not traditionally considered a public health issue, just under 1% ... Prudence Jones: Why gambling is good for you | World news ... Why gambling is good for you Prudence Jones. ... "for it is a bad thing to meet with disaster at sea. Leave the greater part at home: due measure is best in all things." ... Gambling on the horses ...

Is gambling wrong? | Yahoo Answers

Gambling is bad for your health | Society | The Guardian Nov 04, 2004 · Gambling is not only hard on your pocket but bad for your health, according to the British Medical Journal. Although gambling is not traditionally considered a public health issue, just under 1% Yahoo Answers: Answers and Comments for What did or didn't Wed, 05 Sep … addicted to gambling? | Yahoo Answers

Best Answer: becomes to addictive and you begin to sell your home and other personal items to get a win it is really bad I have seen alot of people lose a lot from gambling including their families and friends jobs all that was important to them at one point was now lost and gone

Why is gambling wrong? | Gambling corrupts these values and replaces them with greed and selfishness. Rather than depending upon hard work, gamblers depend instead upon luck and chance. Third, gambling destroys families. Gambling is a major cause of family neglect. Many of the social costs associated with gambling come from its mindset. Gambling on Sports Is a Bad Bet - This is a bad bet on many levels, except for state and local governments, which will show they care less about the effects on people and more about all the additional tax money they will take in ... 20 Questions | Gamblers Anonymous Did you ever lose time from work or school due to gambling? Yes No 2. Has gambling ever made your home life unhappy? Yes : No 3. Did gambling affect your reputation? Yes : No 4. Have you ever felt remorse after gambling? Yes No 5. Did you ever gamble to get money with which to pay debts or otherwise solve financial difficulties? Yes : No 6.

is it bad just to want to cry sometimes? | Yahoo Answers

Yahoo Malaysia Answers ... Bad is the absence of good, and wrong the absence of right. However, in our time and place, only God is Absolute, All Good and All Right. What we experience is not all good or all bad, but many degrees in between. We certainly do not need to experience 'murder' if we want something to live. My fiance is an addict of weed, alcohol and gambling - should I try to get him to seek help? | Yahoo Answers - Yahoo Malaysia Answers ... My fiance is an addict of weed, alcohol and gambling - should I try to get him to seek help? ... He started getting sick after drinking. In fact, we had to go to the ER a few times because he had such bad stomach aches and acid reflex. Over the summer, he stopped drinking completely (which is when he asked me to marry ... Bad Questions For Yahoo Answers Yahoo Answers is Yahoo's forum for reader submitted and answered questions on a wide variety of topics. Anyone can submit or answer a question. 99% of these questions are stupid. 98% are hilarious. All questions and answers are taken directly from Yahoo Answers. Why is gambling so hated? | Yahoo Respuestas

Hi. Im a recovering alcoholic clean for nearly 6 mths, & it was my major addiction causing me to lose a lot in life. I finally cleaned myself up in a rehab & am in recovery. However, I was also addicted to gambling, but not as hardcore as in alcoholic. I dont wanna drink but sorta feel like gambling. Is it OK or is it considered as a relapse if I start gambling.

ProblemGambling | Effects of Problem Gambling on the … Gambling, Gaming & Technology Use Knowledge Exchange.Do not drink alcohol or take other drugs—it will make matters worse. Contact the Ontario ProblemGambling Quiz Answering these nine questions will help you understand if gambling is having a negative impact on your life. Is Gambling Bad For You? - Here Is Your Answer. Approved by - Gambling can be a harmless pastime, but it also carries many significant potential risks and should be performed with caution.Also Known As: wagering of money, the stakes, betting. ... The answer to this question is currently being written. How is Gambling Bad for You? Gambling addiction can develop quickly before anyone knows there's a problem. Learn about the symptoms of gambling addiction and how to seekGambling is not a problem unless the person who is gambling has recognizable signs of compulsive behavior. Some people are able to gamble here... Can i advertising gambling site in Yahoo ads?

Hi. Im a recovering alcoholic clean for nearly 6 mths, & it was my major addiction causing me to lose a lot in life. I finally cleaned myself up in a rehab & am in recovery. However, I was also addicted to gambling, but not as hardcore as in alcoholic. I dont wanna drink but sorta feel like gambling. Is it OK or is it considered as a relapse if I start gambling. My sister is addicted to gambling. Was I right to refuse ... My sister has a gambling problem. As soon as she gets money in her pocket, she's off to the casino. If she starts losing, instead of walking away, she gets angry and gambles even more money, sometimes all of it, regardless of the fact that she needs this money for bills. Several times now, she has gambled away money that she needed to pay for bills, gas money, or groceries, and then turned ... Yahoo Answers: Answers and Comments for Is irresponsible gambling bad? [Baseball]